From the Audience
"The Luminescence concert last night at All Saints church in Ainslie was simply amazing. It’s a world-class ensemble."
— Audience member, after Little Match Girl Passion (April 2021)
"The work builds in power to the finale, with the muffled drum, and the truncated chorales of bells creating the effect of a child’s life ebbing away...deeply affecting. It brought to mind the little boy on a Turkish beach in 2015. The venue - walls and vaults that have witnessed much loss, seemed to enhance the effect. Quite a profound experience."
— Audience member, after Little Match Girl Passion (April 2021)
"Brilliant in so many respects."
— Audience member, after Canciones Populares (June 2021)
"The clarity, timing and balance between their voices were outstanding, producing a multi-layered sound that, at times, made it seem like there were more than five singers on the stage."
— Canberra CityNews, 22 April 2021
"Few musical experiences can compare to the sound of unaccompanied human voices. When it’s The Luminescence Chamber Singers that experience becomes sublime. [...] These singers showed that the voice reigns supreme in the world of music."
— Canberra CityNews, 31 May 2019
"Anyone in the audience for this concert has already received their best Christmas present for this year."
— Canberra CityNews, 14 December 2019
Luminescence reached a capella vocal heights of sublime beauty and exquisite harmony"
— Canberra CityNews, 19 August 2019
"[...] it was moving, even thrilling. it was refreshing to hear such assured performances of some knotty and gritty music from these fine young choristers"
— Limelight, 7 October 2018
"Sitting up close to a group of singers who offer such a range of musical intimacy and profound vocal qualities might just be the greatest musical experience that can be realised."
— Canberra CityNews, 26 February 2018